Sustainability Credentials

Sustainability Credentials

At K and L wines we take the subject of sustainable seriously and put into practise our commitment our ever-improving sustainability performance every day, as part of both our private and work lives.

 All our staff are trained and are as committed as we are to the ever increase demands of the sustainability intent both at the work and at home.

Daily practises are well drilled to include but are not limited to:

At K and L wines

Our office and warehouse cleaning material and organic and/or fully biodegradable, even our bin bags are made from recycled plastics.

The effective, 100%, recycling of all waste cardboard.

The Couriers we use are selected base on their sustainability credentials and the building we are in is supplied with 85% of its energy requirement from the extensive solar panel array across its entire roof span.

Strict use of recyclable and/or recycled outbound packaging, no plastics, foam or other filler materials.

Where printing is necessary, we used only recycled paper and have eliminated carbon copy paper for invoices and delivery note entirely from the business.

Through the implementation of highly integrated ERP and associated stock and order management systems, we strive toward a completely paper free workflow system in our warehouse.


At the supplier

Directive to supplier to supply products in un-coated recycled and or recyclable packaging. (Huge cost saving to them)

Supplier selection is heavily biases towards those with current sustainability documented and certified credentials. Examples of these Certifications are WIETA and IPW in South Africa for which the UK equivalent are SEXEX and SMETA. Certification needs to include the wineries which need to be A Rated; or have a plausible action plan to achieve A Rated Status.

These accreditation's include elements covering amongst others:


Modern Slavery

Living Wages

Safe Handling of Pesticides

Fair treatment of farm worker 

Social Responsibility and Community Development 

Environmental Stewardship


Integrated Production of Wine (IPW) is a voluntary environmental sustainability scheme established by the South African wine industry in 1998. The 2000 vintage was the first to be certified under this scheme. Certification of IPW compliance falls under the jurisdiction of the Wine and Spirit Board (WSB), with a dedicated IPW office responsible for administering the scheme since its promulgation in 1998.

IPW complies with international wine industry environmental sustainability criteria, including the 'Global Wine Sector Environmental Sustainability Principles' as published by the International Federation of Wine and Spirits (FIVS) and the 'OIV. Guidelines for sustainable Viti-viniculture: Production, processing and packaging of products' as published by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).

The production practises on farms and/or cellars of persons joining the scheme are evaluated and audited by the board.

Wineries are expected to show the same rigour to their own supply chains.